Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Lazy Daze

Tuesday was supposed to be productive. I had my mock script in my bag and laptop in tow, but I didn’t have an ounce of productivity going on. It. Must. Stop!

I’ve noticed whenever I visit JP, I have intentions of working on my projects but I tend to become sidetracked. Sidetracked with relaxing and enjoying my time with JP. Yet, at the end of the day I feel all sorts of guilt and physical tension for not working! How do I balance this out?

I could make myself feel better by saying that I read a lot of people’s blogs yesterday or the fact that I finally acquired Adobe Master Suite CS5 so I can start designing a website for my friend’s dance company. It’s a seriously small baby step of motivation, one that I don’t intend to replicate from here on out.

Especially since yesterday, after a friend of mine read my blog post he questioned, “Baby steps? What happened to leaps and bounds?”

I gave him a really stupid excuse, “Well, I’m not young anymore. I don’t want to overwhelm myself.”

L’s response to my lame reply was, “You’re young enough! Be reckless. If it fails, well, blame me.”

I don't know about reckless, but after bitch slapping myself (Fight Club style), I thought, “No, really?? I said that?? What an asinine response! No, I should make leaps and bounds! I should push myself to be the best that I can! I just need to stop making excuses and just do what I need to do to stop this lazy insanity! And if all else fails I WILL blame L.” No, not really, but it’s much easier to blame someone for my personal failures than myself. Ha! Why?!? Mom and Dad!? WHY??

Conclusion? I am more productive on days when I’m not with JP. I guess my agenda is to work as much as I can on days when I'm not with him, so I won't worry as much on days when I am with him. 

See? Isn't that easier?


  1. I was JUST laying on the couch thinking, "Man, I should so get up and do something...if only I could find the motivation to get up."


  2. I know just how you feel. I've been a total slacker lately too and the problem is ... I'm enjoying the hell out of it! I keep forgetting I have a blog to run. Maybe its something going around, eh? LOL

  3. Sass - Too funny!

    Diva - I hope it's not an epidemic! It does feel good to be lazy, though. Aaahh.... :)

  4. I agree with Diva, it must be something going around, the fall blues or something, motivation seems to be dropping every where.

  5. Leigh - It's dropping like flies! haha :)

    Thank you, everyone, for stopping by my blog. :)

  6. i love the days when you are so tired from too much sleep..i always feel like a total jackass on those days...
