Monday, October 18, 2010

Happy Mondays!

I woke up motivated and ready to work this morning! I don’t know what it was, but I woke up happy as well!

What excited me more was when I received a phone call from the dance studio I’m training at and they said I didn’t need to come in to train today. Not until either Wednesday or Thursday. Now, I love ballroom dancing and all, but sometimes I just need a break to do my own things.

So having today off was a nice surprise! I ran errands, treated myself to some slight debit card swiping, grocery shopping, laundry folding, and it was lovely. I had fun! I even bought some flowers!

I think this week is going to be awesome! I believe, how you start your week can affect how it ends, at least for me. If I start out the week out moody, then the end of my week normally ends… on a very stressed, overwhelmed, and sad note. If I start happy then it’ll end fairly optimistic!

I just need to figure out how to recreate this feeling every week… 

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