Friday, October 15, 2010

Eat Procrastination, Feed Passion (and DANCE)

I read a blog by Lawyer Working Girl Wednesday titled Passion and Procrastination. It was a post that I could relate to, and I’m sure many of my friend’s can relate to as well. There comes a time in our lives when we become so caught up in our work lives that we neglected to feed our passions. At the end of the day we just want to relax with our friends or do something that doesn’t require a lot of brainpower. I know I did this when I worked. Even now, I do this.

I want to do so many things, but it all becomes pushed to the side. Especially when I’m distracted by other easy-to-do time killers like Facebook, Twitter, text messaging, Plurk, or whatever else I can find online to fulfill my amusement. When I realize how much time I’ve wasted, I’m tired and ready for bed. So I'm going to set aside some time to work on these passions of mine and perhaps, one day, I'll share them with you.

Are there passions that you have set aside?

Speaking of one of my passions. My friend Gerran, from L.A., flew up to visit his family and friends. During his visit he will be teaching at various places around Portland, Oregon. Last night, he was scheduled to teach a one hour dance class at Groove Nation up in Vancouver, Washington, so he and I drove up there together. This allowed us some time to catch up and eat, as well as, for Gerran to decide which routine he wanted to teach the students.

We didn’t know what to think of Groove Nation Hip Hop Dance Studios. We had never heard of this studio before, but we were delighted to see so many kids excited to dance! It was a lot of good energy and these kids were so awesome! So here’s a clip of the dance class. Enjoy!

The song featured in this video is by Nacho Pen, a friend of Gerran’s. I’ve met her once and she is an amazing artist! Her album will be out next year. If you love it, friend her on Facebook! As well as see her videos that I took here and here when they had a performance for music industry investors at Roxy Theater. You’ll also see Gerran in the video dancing, as well as, two of my other friends!

Have a great weekend! :)

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